Optical Coherence Tomography


Utilising the very latest in eye scan technologies called Optical Coherence Tomography our OCT Scan provides a non-invasive imaging method allowing detailed visualisation beneath the retinal surface to detect any abnormalities in the different retinal layers, to an almost cellular level, and monitor any changes over time.

The scan itself takes only a matter of seconds. It is totally non-invasive, so nothing touches your eye so it’s pain and discomfort free.  You will be asked to place your chin on the rest and look at a light, which may be moved according to the area scanned.


What can OCT Detect?

The REVO-OCT wellness scan can detect numerous eye diseases, even in their early stages. These include some of the most prominent conditions that can lead to blindness if left untreated, such as:

    …impairs vision by damaging the optic nerve, the cable of nerve fibres that transmits coded information from the eye to the brain.


    …is caused by damage to the small blood vessels in the retina, the light sensing tissue in the back of the eye.


    …is a degenerative condition of the macula, the part of the retina solely responsible for seeing in colour and for providing the sharp, central vision needed to see faces clearly, read or even drive.

Our Services

  • WGOS Eye examinations : check your eligibility here.

  • WGOS Low Vision Assessments

  • WGOS Examinations for Urgent Eye Problems: this is an emergency eye-care service which is free at the point of access to patients who have an eye problem which they feel needs urgent investigation, rather than attending GP practice or Emergency A & E Department.

  • Contact Lens Supply and Fit

  • Wide Range of Frames and Comprehensive selection of Lenses.